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How convenient is the solar energy for me?

Bello atardecer

Well, it's easy, in short, if your interest is environmental, the convenience is absolute, but there are also other aspects to consider, starting with the economic factor and basically if your current energy bill is residential or commercial and is around or exceeds $2,000 pesos on average every two months, this will be an investment with great benefits for you since you will be recovering your investment in a couple of years and keeping many more years of energy generation in the form of  "profits" since your energy savings will be greater and greater considering the fact that that energy will continue to increase in price and the panels last more than 25 years.


If this is your case and you want more details about it, I invite you to "Request a Quote", otherwise I recommend you continue reading this article to understand more in detail and the factors that will determine the convenience for you or review the article of "how much do solar panels cost".


Taking into consideration that the Solar Energy Systems use the sun to generate electricity and once installed they are free of the cost of generation and basically also of maintenance, so your particular requirements together with the amount of your initial investment and the time in which recover that money will give us the parameter of economic convenience. Thus, the daily energy savings together with the possible tax deductions and image benefits (companies) will be the ones that end up paying for your solar plant.

To understand the scope of your savings, we recommend starting by analyzing the CFE rate that corresponds to you, even if you don't want or have access to the g for whatever reason.

Electric Rate Type:

We must consider your average energy consumption together with the corresponding rate and the cost per unit (kW/h) since this combination will result in the daily savings that you can reach.

The CFE has a wide catalog of electricity rates which are defined depending on the use you give to your property and the volume of consumption.


 Starting with the residential type, which in all cases starts with a subsidy, converting it into a low-cost rate but divided into steps, since the more energy you use, the less subsidy it will have and the more expensive it will be, but apart from that if you exceed a volume that CFE determines from According to the climate of each region of the country, this rate automatically changes to the so-called DAC (Domestic High Consumption) and in this way they withdraw all the subsidy and it becomes a very expensive rate.

So in this case we can say that if you pay about $2,000 pesos bimonthly or more to CFE you are using energy with very little


or without subsidy and the acquisition of solar panels will be very convenient for you.


In the commercial case, your rate will be expensive from the beginning and there we can say that in almost all cases it is very convenient, especially if you exceed $1,000 (one thousand pesos) per month in billing.

To this we can add additional benefits such as tax deduction and the projected image of social responsibility.


      -Industrial, agricultural and others-

These types of rates regularly have a very low cost of energy in which apart you may even have your own transformer. The CFE divides the bill between energy consumption, which by the way can be very cheap, and other compensation factors that could be considered as a type of rent. Since the panels only generate energy, the other part of the receipt may or may not be benefited with these, so it will be necessary to determine the convenience of putting panels not only due to the direct savings that can be achieved but also factors such as tax deductions, certifications, responsible company or brand image, Etc.

In the same way, the investment return time could be longer than projects with other rates, but those immediate benefits are outweighed by other factors and the economic benefits in the medium and long term can be very large since in the end, the equipment and the energy end up being yours and the contribution to the environment also very important.


Areas without electricity grid:

For isolated or rural areas where CFE's electricity grid is not available, a solar generation equipment may be ideal since it is possible to opt for an off-grid system with or without batteries depending on the needs to be covered and thus avoid long and bureaucratic waiting and very expensive or sometimes unfeasible options to get connected to the CFE grid. They also replace the option of a fuel generator which, apart from being noisy and with a constant high operating cost, produces pollution that would be being emitted directly into your environment.


Poor electrical grid:

In these cases, a photovoltaic system (solar panels) is an excellent option since you can opt for an interconnected system with battery backup and avoid continuous power cuts from the grid.


For companies and businesses:

In this case and as we have commented, there are 2 additional factors that can contribute to making it a very good idea to implement a solar electric power system.

1. Tax deduction: The ISR law mentions that the deduction is 100% for machinery and equipment for the generation of energy from renewable sources in the first fiscal year after its installation.

2. Sustainable image projection: Many companies can take advantage of the social recognition of being a responsible company and concerned about the environment in different ways, since apart from being a concept that has become necessary, every day it is more valued by society and consumers of all kinds.



In addition to the different factors that could influence your case, the quality and correct selection of components through precise calculations and optimal installation, are also very important points to consider to ensure a correct operation of your equipment and thus guarantee your investment.


At Avanza Solar we advise and help you in the realization of your project so that you obtain the expected results in an agile, easy and safe way.

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