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1 Cuidado medio ambiente

Benefits of a Photovoltaic System

  • Environmental care: Compared to other technologies that require fuels to generate electricity, it does not emit greenhouse gases or pollutants into the atmosphere.

2 Ahorros
  • Big savings: Being that an initial investment is required, solar electricity is cheaper than buying energy from the electric company since it begins to be paid automatically immediately and once the balance point is reached, all that remains of the life of the equipment is net utility .​​

Larga vida y garantías
  • Fast return on investment: The higher the cost per unit (kW/h) you have, the faster the recovery of your investment will be, since generating your own energy in residential and commercial cases with DAC and PDBT rates respectively, this will be between 1.5 and 4 years depending of each particular case.

  • Tax deduction: The government offers incentives for the acquisition of electricity generating systems through renewable sources where, according to Article 34 Fracc. XIII LISR, the equipment is 100% deductible in the first fiscal year, which can represent up to 38%  of the total value of the system.

Fácil mantenimiento
  • Easy maintenance: There are no moving parts so there is no need to worry about replacing mechanical parts, leaving basically just cleaning as maintenance.

  • Extensive warranties: These cover up to 25 years in the production of electrical energy from solar panels and in parallel you get up to 12 years for manufacturing defects in components.

  • Long useful life of the equipment: The estimated useful life of good quality panels can be up to 30 and 40 years according to the atmospheric conditions of the installation site.

Respaldo energético
  • Energy backup: If you opt for a device interconnected to the local electricity grid, the surplus energy generated by your device is stored in the CFE grid so that you can use it later. In the same way, if you require more energy than that generated by your equipment, you will be able to use the energy of the CFE. As if that were not enough, you also have the option of acquiring a system capable of storing energy to use it if there is a power cut by CFE.

  • Innovation: Given that every day we become more aware of the importance and need for sustainability, and in order that this does not mean a reduction in the comforts offered by a modern world, the supply of electrical equipment increases every day. Thus, your property prepares itself for the acceptance of these new options such as electric vehicles and more.

Fuente inagotable
  • ​​Renewable source: The sun is an infinite resource that feeds this technology and Mexico is in a privileged position to receive this radiation, this being the 5th country with the largest uptake in the world.​​

  • Silent and modular: They do not produce any sound and you can add as many panels as you require if you need it due to the possible increase with new high-consumption electrical appliances, such as air conditioning, water pumps, pool, machinery, electric car, etc. And likewise maintain the energy efficiency of your property and the corresponding very low energy costs.

  • Monitoring App: You can maintain constant monitoring of the performance of your system from any computer, tablet or cell phone and thus ensure optimal results.

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